Jennifer R. Cookさんのプロフィール画像

Jennifer R. Cookさんのイラストまとめ

Channeled loving messages and illustrations with guidance from eLOVEution!
#illustration #storyteller #love #selfmastery

フォロー数:1900 フォロワー数:2549

What Love Says...Excite your inner child here, now, to sing, dance and play, to come home, to be in your heart. Are you listening to your heart, to your inner child? Listening means you give full loving attention to self or to another.

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What Says... You are an ever expanding vibration of love and light, your body is a beautiful container from which the love and light is experienced. Your home is within, the light in your heart knows the whole universe works in you and through you.

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What Love Says...All experiences are stepping stones toward learning, being and growth. Each stepping stone on your path helps you discover new ways to be, and to do so with love and laughter.

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What Says... Be a creator. Create your love song with and through love. You have the gift, you have the power. You have beautiful loving truths inside excited to be loved into creation. Do that, now. Always now.

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What Says... The illumination of the heart is the light that is your loving guide, loving song. You are a magician of love, and the union of love. You are the love that everyone including you embraces with desire in this moment.

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What Love Says... Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. With love in your heart say this to yourself in the presence of challenging emotions "Thank you, please forgive me, I LOVE YOU, I love you right there."

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What Love Says... Allow the power of love and forgiveness to heal any emotion you experience. Dig deep within, there is much inside to inner stand and love. "Thank you, please forgive me, I LOVE YOU, I love you right there."

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Wear wild bright colours, do things that spark love and always express what is in your heart. Laugh, sing and dance in your truth, your light, your love. You are THE feathered hero of you, take flight with love in that knowing.

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What Love Says...
Do you choose to remember you are love, you have a golden light sparkling within? Do you choose to be joyous while you sweep away the feathers to reveal the gold inside?

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What Love Says... Move the barriers surrounding your heart and there is your treasure. Your heart a vital creative force, sweet wholeness of love, make words, thoughts and actions tasty for all with your conscious awareness.

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