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What Love Says...
Where your heart is, there is your treasure. Within your treasure are beliefs in what you value. Your thoughts, words how do they taste in your mouth? Do they bring value? Are they nourishing and loving? #storyteller #love #illustrator
Your true nature is found through love and conscious awareness. Dig deep into your heart, nurture, discover and explore joy, love and peace that is within your inner child. #love #storyteller #illustrator #whatlovesays #thoughts #words #chipmunk
What #love Says...
Loving your inner child is the foundation for love and self love, which is who you truly are. Choose to give love, attention and play to your inner child, be the love you want and need. #storyteller #illustrator #thoughts #words #chipmunk
What Love Says...Wake up love filled ones, for this is your moment to be the love you want to see, feel and hear in the world. Each precious moment becomes a fresh, loving opportunity to create. #love #storyteller #Illustrator
What Love Says... Wake up! Realize your heart knows who you truly are; love, trust, creativity, belief, faith, all surrounded by sparks of inspired play. Wake up child, be the love that chooses how to play! #illustrator #love #storyteller
What Love Says... All you need is to believe your heart, know the truth of your heart, and trust the inner guidance of your heart, and remember to laugh, to play. #Illustrator #storyteller
What #love Says... The world you see within and outside is the one you carry in your heart. When you are balanced in love, with love and for love you find loving detachment as the breath of inner peace in the face of any challenge. #Storyteller #illustrator
What Love Says... With grace always search your heart for thoughts, words and actions which lovingly light the way. Move courageously in your heart, feel inspiration, truth and PURRpose. #storyteller #illustrator #caturday #leofullmoon #love
What Love Says ... Becoming one with your heart and the heart of others means cultivating love in everything you do. As you walk the path of love, your heart sees love within while feeling love in the hearts of others. #love #storyteller #illustrator
What Love Says... All the love magic is in you. Unconditional love is a superpower fuels inspired thoughts, words, actions to dance from the heart. #heart #storyteller #Illustrator #superpower #love