CatStalker2: The Art Boogaloo ✨️comms open✨️さんのプロフィール画像

CatStalker2: The Art Boogaloo ✨️comms open✨️さんのイラストまとめ

I am the slightly less evil twin of @Catwewy who steals all her art and posts it here; will follow back, but if you unfollow me I will find you.

フォロー数:157 フォロワー数:158

How badly I wish for Futaba to stop being a super kind and nice person like every other generic mc, and just snap.

What I would give for her to toss away the "my magic's not strong enough" talk and just start beating the shit out of people with her fists.

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We're reading world of wonders in English class and my teacher was like "give me an essay that tweet length. You can draw a picture or something too if you want" and I was like "bet"

So now we have the art piece my not art major butt decided to make to got with firefly :D

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Finally completed another WIP,

So 👀 who wants to see my insane progress over the past 3 years?? Because I seriously only draw these older OCs of mine once a year and somehow they seem to only get more and more chaotic every time I do XD

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So I'm on the twewy x yotsume god brain cell again and redrawing the "bad" end with Mr H bc I still think he and Tagata would get along great.

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Just found this Als comic wip I attempted to make a while back and damn. I forgot about the Als and Fendark are siblings theory

(Alchemia Story spoilers below)

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Okay. So once more I hate Arcus' redesign and desperately want him to go back to being humanoid bc I miss drawing his grumpy expressions.

But I also like the fact he isn't human now.

So we doing the best of both worlds and I made a poorly drawn comic to explain it

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OC re designs finished! Redid Ceciles color design and mask, updated Alice's cloths, and completely redesined Arcus to the point I don't recognize him anymore but I'm enjoying his frill lol

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WIP I lost motivation to finish but got far enough for me to be proud of

Featuring Alice (the sick girl in the rain coat) and Cecile (the water spirit that's following her around)

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