

Artist of ChairHair Art, GM and fanboi for TTRPGS, Non-Bean, Audhd, leftist af-- Strahd's Daddy. @[email protected] Pronouns: Surprise me.

フォロー数:1799 フォロワー数:1827

I also want to do another Pride series this year for stickers, but I havent landed on a theme yet. Here's what I did in 2020--- suggestions would be lovely if you have an idea!

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Lemme draw you stuff, weird or random, that you like and you give me paper that has monetary value.

This is my obligatory "promote myself" tweet.

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i did this one mildly high last week to practice. Enjoy the random chaos that is my doodle process. Also I forgot to turn on timeline until after the flats were done xD

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You've met your match because this is my favorite types of exchanges 😤 be prepared to widen your vocabulary

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Okkkk here's a few at random:P

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I made forg extra awesome in case you needed a......sfw......part...

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I made you another forg <3

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did more dnd art, and i am unstoppable.

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While my main request is ttrpg character portraits, that's not the only thing I offer!

I absolutely commission some random unhinged ideas, logos, weapons, and moments too if that's something you need :D

I just like to create <3 Here's a few examples of other stuff I've done!

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The bestest Tusky Bois, for
as they made their debut in one of their recent episodes <3

This is Gale, Paul, Ted, Ron, Una, Nick, and Lily.
And I love them so much <3

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