

Artist of ChairHair Art, GM and fanboi for TTRPGS, Non-Bean, Audhd, leftist af-- Strahd's Daddy. @[email protected] Pronouns: Surprise me.

フォロー数:1799 フォロワー数:1827

watching and this is the funniest thing we as a chat have used our luck points on xD

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This be Big D. for my Toreador Scientist, Figuring out the cure to Hunger in Vampirism. Sweater core when myself, sexy scientist when she has to present in public.

So ready to play her *u*

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makin fixes as I go:

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Practice art D'mitri Thorin, Scientist Toreador character I'm playing in VoTM :D

Dont say anything about the glasses, I cant draw glasses xD

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Being a comissioned artist is a h*ckin blast, because you get to draw the weirdest/coolest things for peoples campaigns 🖤

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This is Billy.

Billy is a level 1 monk and has no idea what lies in store. Neither do I. but they're excited.

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Ayy its me, Julia. I've been told o make good bread, but thats my front. I really do the a r t.

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did a little sibling reunion photo for
when you rescue your little sister from death, but have no idea how to deal with the trauma after xD

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Practiced a new style tonight, don't be fooled--this is HARD. Keeping things super simple and keeping myself from adding like, 50 little details was a struggle lol

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