

Veterinary technician in training, anime and cartoon geek, Broadway/theater nerd. one of the greatest people you will ever meet.

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:105

Can't find my book by anywhere. It was the 3rd one, last had at bronycon. Did I leave it in it VIP green room? idk Don't mind buying another, but mine was signed as a gift so it wouldn't be the same & I feel bad losing something so precious... T-T

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This has been such an amazing week, spending time with friends and watching get married! I'll cherish all of the memories forever. I love you so much Sarah and am so happy and proud of/for you!

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Best ref would be the first pic, but wanted to give different perspectives

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Happy belated birthday to !! Hope you had a rockin' day Tommy and thank you again to the talented for the work of art!

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Happy birthday to both and ! May both of you have an amazing day full of love, fun, and all of the cake and ice cream you can eat

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I thought that it was because Steven's gem was affected by Spinel's scythe so the fusion was not as completed as it should have been?

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Planning on going to the aquarium today before any con stuff happens. Anyone wanna join? and crew? I believe I get a discount being an AZA employee so bonus if we all pay together

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This is mine. My OC and Lugia. The tattoo was done by my city's tattoo artist. The art itself was done by

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