

Veterinary technician in training, anime and cartoon geek, Broadway/theater nerd. one of the greatest people you will ever meet.

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:105

Just a suggestion, but you should have your sensei be your next special guest on WFBOKP if you do more guests in the future

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One of my greatest accomplishments of 2019... getting to say words

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This year you're mine JaxBladeFitness! ❤️
And you, whom will be yours?

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I found a loophole. Your psycho friend's gotta go.

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I think and I would make a pretty good occasional anti-hero team 😎Art by

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Hi I am an amateur but wanted to share anyways. Maybe I'll get the help I need lol

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Can you write down that fetch has a better chance of becoming a thing than me ever being decent looking?

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