Christy Illustratesさんのプロフィール画像

Christy Illustratesさんのイラストまとめ

Splash of #cute. Sprinkle of #edgy. Whole bunch of #sarcasm. Happy to chat about new projects. #lowbrow #darkart #goth #illustrator #artist #timburtonstyle

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Keep messing around with these ladies that watch all the True Crime shows…

Ya’ll gonna find yourself pushing up the daisies.

Me personally I don’t watch too much TV. I’ll catch a show with the boys or the hubby here n there but nothing on the regu…

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What you do with your life is your business.

And what I do with mine is mine.

In my 42 years, some crazy stuff has gone down. Some I’m proud of. Some shall not be mentioned ever again.

But regardless I’ve done the best I can with what I’ve had.


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For someone like me that saves bugs, will help anyone that needs it, and tries to find the good in just about anything, I just really don’t want to be around people.

But only because everything is being cancelled.

Cancelled? What the hell? How do you…

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If you don’t want to do the hard work yourself, steal yourself an unexpecting girl and boy and make them do it.

The Grimm story about the water-nixie is about a weird little creature that kidnaps a boy and girl, makes them use a dull axe and a bucket w…

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I feel strongly about equal rights for everybody.

No matter what race, religion, or your partner preference, there’s not one person on this Earth that has the right to judge another.

As long as you respect me and my choices, I respect you and yours.

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It happened again.

The doom. The gloom. The terror to frighten all terrors…

Artist block.

I have no creative energy to create. I look at art daily.

I admire so many artists and I follow them for inspiration, motivation, and creative fuel. But……

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I feel like I keep posting that life is always hard.

And it is a lot of times. But there are a lot of good too.

Menopause makes me a monster, and a she-hulk, and a cuddler…and a mess.

From helping move family, to drama with kids, to bills, jobs…

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I'm Christy, a freelance illustrator from the US. Im a mixture of rainbows and razorblades.

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I had to take some time off from being creative.

Last week was tough. Mentally.

I’m coming near the end of the astrology series and it’s been really hard because what if I don’t have anything else?

What if the next work that I do sucks? What if I d…

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Cancer sign is done.

And they keep getting harder.

Not the pieces themselves but my creative vision of what they should look like. I guess that means I’m growing as an artist?

And I don’t know about anybody else but every week it seems to be anothe…

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