


フォロー数:2858 フォロワー数:4325

I was told it's Froggy Friday. Following all Forgs.

13 77

I am 80, probably nothing.
See below 👇

1 17



Christmas is coming

3 25

This space recently has felt like an empty echo chamber. I just want to take a moment to think back on the fun times with .

13 84

Just a reminding to take a few minutes to breath, ground yourself back to the present moment, and open yourself up to possibilities. You are loved.

6 22

I ended up sending a bit to him as a thank you, and in the end, I ended up with finally getting one of my Mories vandalized. Mories are kind, mories are good people. There is hope for humanity.

2 10

I got a using points simply by holding my for long time. Now this Mini Supers is earning me more points.

12 32