

Artist/Terrible joke maker. Please source if you repost!
NSFW- @ciderlewd
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Commissions Closed atm…

フォロー数:99 フォロワー数:1918

Fire Emblem Heroes fan art! Painted Bunny Sharena

3 6

Made a new comic! Was on auto-battle and saw it was at a standstill for 10 turns, so wanted to paint it.

6 23

Fire Emblem Heroes comic! My brother made this joke while we were talking about Choose Your Legends, so I went ahead and illustrated it!

6 26

Daily Painting 22! Experimenting with brushes a little until I find one I like

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Daily Painting Day 19! Some Final Fantasy fan art staring a loving tonberry

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New comic! Fire Emblem Heroes/Resident Evil 5 comic combining D.C. Douglas' role as Wrys and Wesker

27 90

Daily Painting Day 16! Something more simple

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Art! Something a bit more serious since my last few have been playful

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Art! New painting to show off. I call this one "Red".

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