Cirsova - JD Cowan's Star Wanderers Live Now on KSさんのプロフィール画像

Cirsova - JD Cowan's Star Wanderers Live Now on KSさんのイラストまとめ

Critically Acclaimed Touhou Poster
Occasional publisher of fine adventure & thrilling fiction
Banner by @aoxenuk
PFP by @Usanekorin

フォロー数:1457 フォロワー数:4544

I hate that I need to shift gears from non-stop shilling for to shilling and also reminding people that we're looking for sponsors for the Fall issue of Cirsova, but we're looking for sponsors for the Fall issue of Cirsova...


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Are you a fan of Gardner F Fox or Edgar Rice Burroughs?

Michael Tierney has you covered!

His saga is gonzo kitchen-sink pulp in the vein of Fox or Jack Kirby, and Tierney is a Burroughs scholar who recently co-authored a "lost" story!

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Dark Secrets of an Inhuman Race Lie Hidden Beneath the Seas of Venus!

Leigh Brackett's Enchantress of Venus with new original art by and foreword by , out in 2 weeks!

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True Story:
At one point, we were going to crowdfund this to the tune of $20k.
But we already paid for it and it was going to be ready 4/30 anyway.
So please pre-order our book through Amazon, B&N or Aerbooks instead of Kickstarter or IGG!

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