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@Benjamin_Percy @cracksh0t when do we get to see this friendship again 👌🏼❣️🙌🏼
@GerryDuggan @MatteoLolli @delgaduck @rdauterman @COLORnMATT Can you reunite Pyro and Avalanche and also have him be co-owner of the Tiki Bar. Please and thank you sensei. Also thanks for mentioning Blink in Cable #1 🥰
@MahmudAsrar @JHickman @sunnygho Don't forget Magma has a cooler design than the Human Torch...just saying 🥰
ok @TiniHoward @marcusto whos in charge of getting us variants because im gonna need all these artist to do Captain Britain Betsy Braddock. pls and thx @cracksh0t but also @rdauterman and @Adi_Granov #onemancampaign