

Cat Dad 🐈 / ♉️ / 💪🏼 / 🏳️‍🌈 / X-Men Nerd

フォロー数:445 フォロワー数:41613

and Psylocke a mini please and thank you

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give me my maxi series pls and thank u let's make this happen

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how bout a mini series?! Please ❣️#Psylocke

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otherWorld arc w/ Jamie, Brian, n Betsy Braddock drawn by would be amazeballs ok ill stop

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can we borrow for the OtherWorld arc might do on his Uncanny run? Please

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Can you do a video on the Braddocks? Jamie, Brian, and Betsy?

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Ecstatic cast as I hope for british accent/ purple hair.Thanks

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