

태어난 김에 살다가는 지구별 여행자
'이지'라 불러줘요! #빈그릇 🦋
#ZEPETO #NFT #metaverse #color #colordesigner #personalcolor

フォロー数:825 フォロワー数:3359

Hi, I'm Blue! I will always protect you by your side. When you're tired and having a hard time, come to me. I'll always be waiting for you in the same place. You're safe with me. I will present you with full peace. I'm the resting place of your soul.

10 28

작가님의 에 당첨되서 받은 나의 캐인 가 있어 더욱 애정이간다. 더불어 소주클럽 싸장님의 맨발이 편안함을 준다. "가오나시! 너 취했어! 조금만 마셔!" 욕망덩어리 가오나시가 소주클럽 사장님을 삼켜버리지 않기를... '아???'

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오우! 이 앱 좋다!!!! 믖찌다!

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오늘은 리터칭 연습! ^^ 뭔가 강강강이지만 그래도 오늘 하루 덕분에 즐거웠다. 담엔 좀 더 나아지겠지?

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Hi, I'm Blue! I will always protect you by your side. When you're tired and having a hard time, come to me. I'll always be waiting for you in the same place. You're safe with me. I will present you with full peace.

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악귀들 물러가랏!!!! 2022년 나쁜 기운 물어가고 좋은 기운 충만하시기를 바라는 맘으로 어흥!!!!

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Hi, my name is Red. ♡

Finally, the third fairy has been born. I thought I needed a lot of red energy these days. Thanks to this fairy, I got energy while drawing.

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