

🇵🇭&🇺🇸 | Writer. Assistant. Critic | ❤🥞 Am kinda a #SourPatchKid | Opinions are mine alone | Some ppl embed my tweets w/o permission; not an endorsement

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Those two know how to turn up the charisma onscreen separately. Together? Whew! It's going to be amazing, I can tell just from the the roles they've already portrayed.

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Sometimes it's good to let the crying out, but I am so self-conscious when I cry I need to be alone in a room away from people. I hate crying in public or around people,idk. Well, I hope your week gets better, friend :)

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It's sexist how gets a hard time b/c it centers around a girl's right of passage, puberty, being boy crazy, etc. Yet you have movies like which is more graphic. I really enjoyed it's relatable & cute.

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I've been searching for published works by sci-fi/fantasy or horror (preferably w/Fil-Am characters) w/no luck. The only author that comes even close is . rep in these genres seems almost non-existent

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👏YOU👏TELL👏HER, Ben! Claire has some goddamn nerve. Ciara forgave Claire after she tried to LIGHT HER ON FIRE. And Claire is trying to defend poor Ben's feelings? Whatever, she's just frustrated because she has a crush on Ben.

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As everyone panics about the remember to buy enough supplies for your pets/furbabies! Buy nonperishable foods.

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At the rate that () is going, I hope to God gives this summer series a Season 2

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