

Geology- Archaeology- Geography -History -Normandy -Armorica -Decor./build. stones - Purbeck marble-Church /Sepulch.monuments -Sundials/Gnomonic -Cosmography…

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:539

Children Abbey: Slab to princess Jeanne de Bretagne (1387 † 1388) daughter of Jean the 4th of Bretagne and Jeanne of Navarre She is featured as a handsome young lady, but she died 1 year old. (political and kinship reasons) (See J.Y Copy)

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3 leaves scroll : 1st one on C12 grave cover keep (museum),
2nd C13 capital cloister ,
3rd on late C13 recumbent knight effigy with grotesque

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