

professional art donut/monster prom alumni/bear promoter/miku shrimp
work mail: [email protected]

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During my time in Hong Kong I had come across these figurines of Disney princesses. They were not of the legitimate nature. I did not purchase them and I regret that decision immensely. Here is my attempt to recreate the impossible

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And here’s Irving from Gods Will be Watching, for mardibot! Thanks dude :) And with that I am finally done with my batch of commissions. Phew. Thanks for stickin around for all that. I made a tiny bit of money. Will spend on something foolish.. like overwatch crates

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And one more for ; Sorbi! CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT: strawberries are alright, I guess. What fight me

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Here’s Aether, for the-seize-spiral! Thanks for the commission my dude :) Devil bois, can’t live with em... can’t something else about em. Amirite or amirite

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Here’s some DnD NPCs for everykindofcheese. Thanks for the commissions duderino! DnD is fun guys. I was an old gnome yesterday. I was senile, grumpy, and I died in the end. It was great

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Here’s one more for ; Dara. Thanks again dude! First time in a while I didn’t finish the drawing at half past sleepzone, so I can actually write coherently. Although, I really have nothing coherent to say.. so.. hashtags!!

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Eric & Natsuko for . Thanks 4 commissioning :) Tried comin up w/smth to write here to keep things interesting, but didn’t want to say anything weird on someone else’s commish. A weird lil dilemma I didn’t expect to face before bed, and I just fell asleep 👍

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Ayyy, I’ve got time to do some quick like this one here. DM me and I’ll let you know if we’re good to go 👍 I also don’t know how messages work on twitter so I hope it works the way I think it does...?

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Dudes, I’m just bored and doodling and I read those articles about prime posting hours on social media and midnight PST is not that but whatvevbjfdrgjg

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Nice thing about procreate is I can’t replicate the clean linework I prefer to do on tablets, so I can draw as scribbly as I want. Here is a scribbly midriff Knight

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