

professional artist / peanut [email protected]
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This is Anna Drogov, my RP character I made on the spot for this sorta DnD I've been playing w/ friends. She's an 8yr old genius chef (w/ gun training) that can summon a fake Jackie Chan and a refrigerator. It's complicated. I love her. I hope she doesn't die.

7 45

I know Halloween was YDA but wutevs. Today would never change if not for YDA. Bam. Made that up. Just now. So deep. Ur welcome.

3 29

- "teeming"
Haven't been sick 4 yrs. Forgotten the feeling of suffering. Forgotten what it feels like to be.. mortal

1 15

Waiting for my sketchbook to drop in the mail to chase that rapidly leaving inktober bus. Doodled random upset person 👌

1 14

Drawing cars is surprisingly fun. I'm gonna keep drawing cars

4 24

Where are all the uncool normal cars in those post-apoc road hells. I'd like to think ppl still modded them to above avg levels of unsafe

3 31

"Yo you haven't posted any shit in a while. What's the dealio?"
Oh you know. Stuff.

4 32

Doodlin OC Pan, adventuring & full armor. Realized I didn't give her a "costume" and don't doodle her much cuz dress up is hard guys.

3 28

Just up late into the morning thinking about future cops. Don't mind me. They lookin' spiffy, still gonna leave me parking tickets

4 30