Cubicle 7さんのプロフィール画像

Cubicle 7さんのイラストまとめ

Cubicle 7 are the award-winning creators of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Ed, Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, Wrath & Glory 40k, Doctor Who and much more!

フォロー数:601 フォロワー数:16003

It's Wednesday so that means....Warhammer Updates! Check out some more info on our upcoming release Warhammer Rough Nights & Hard Days

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So you think you Gnow me…?
Next week we will be previewing Warhammer Rough Gnights & Hard Days. So, to get you all ready for that, why gnot take a look at this...

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Meet the Team Monday . has been designing RPGs for 26 years and he's telling us all about it here:

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WFRP4 PDF is at No.1 on the New Year, New Sale list
Pick it up for a limited time only for just $20.99!!

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Times nearly up to buy our Doctor Who RPG Bundle of Holding offer. You’ll need to be quick (unless you have a TARDIS)

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Times running out... only 12 hours left to get your hands on our WFRP 1E offer. For just $11.95 you get all three titles in our Starter Collection

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Our WFRP4 Core Rule Book is now back in stock. Order here:

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Check out our new Doctor Who RPG Bundle of Holding offer! But, you’ll need to be quick (unless you have a TARDIS) Buy here:

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Check out this WFRP 1E Bundle of Holding offer, you get amazing products and support Doctors Without Borders for $11.95 OR level up to get ALL FIVE adventures in the Enemy Within series when you break the threshold price of $24.51!

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Warhammer Fest Round up - all the news that’s fit to print!:

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