

Currently a VTweeter #CopperHoundCu
3,000 years ago I was just an Irish Wolfhound told to stay. Now I tell tales and stream to pass the time as I wait.

フォロー数:92 フォロワー数:24657

In The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation donghua Wei Wuxian's clothes are always shades of red, black and grey but the style changes to one similar to who he is "currently adopted by/adopted." Jiang sect, Wen sect and Lan at the end.

418 1892

Honored to be in such esteemed company

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Well... now that you've offered

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Favourite season: Autumn! Halloween, crunchy brown leaves and cool but not freezing Temps.
Who I'd haunt: probably just follow my friends and family around and make sure they're doing good.
Charm points: decent comedic timing, nerdy fanboying and also... fang, chest, floof, eyes!

2 24

Squishy hug!

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You're far too kind! I'm just going to hide behind the bar.

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I guess I'll be calling you mommy from now on then...

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I'm pretty sure he'd end up hugging you first but if you survived that you'd get your chance.

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