

I post art (fanart, original characters, etc.) and do commissions.

Killing is wrong and bad. It is badong. I stand for the opposite of killing. G'nahdabb.

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My old-ass detective vampire man recently got to experience the simple joy of food again, got him reminiscing. He's eatin' kidney and bacon with chives.

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An update on my Gold Nuzlocke. Jasmine, the wretch, claimed the lives of Boulderina and Charlemagn. RIP lil homies. Currently got all the Johto badges.

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I've been under the weather for a lil bit now, decided to do a Gold Nuzlocke to pass the time. Here are some doodles of my progress.

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Commission for of his monk Zashana from our D&D game popping the ancient white dragon Morena in the chops with a souped-up fire snake!

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My VtM character drank some Fae blood and went on a TRIP. Luckily it was a happy trip. Pictured here is his coterie member Marley from his POV.

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Some antagonists from the last arc of my D&D game draw in the spider-man meme format. The Scotsman, Bernie Sanders, The Seducer and Big Papa Blackwell.

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Commission done for of himself as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man being ghost-busted by a litany of our tabletop characters!

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My first Elden Ring character Aldar, former paladin of The Order that was corrupted by the god-slaying Black Flame.

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I don't know how twitter works, I made a reply with these but I will make a standalone post as well. Some of my DnD NPCs dressed in gothic little numbers.

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Some of the NPCs in my DnD Game! Specifically the love interests of my player characters 😏

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