

I survived Cancer, and my Grandparents survived Corona ❤️
Set your heart ablaze 🔥

フォロー数:129 フォロワー数:191

My art from 2016 to now~

2016: First drawings, I did a couple drawings in 2015, but this was the beginning.

2018: I tried lot of different styles, lineart, paint, testing different lights, colours, effects~

2019: After 3 years I'm starting to be really happy with my level 💞💞

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Tera and Luna 💕

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The monkey family in one pic!

I always wondered how they look when preparing their hair, so here is the answer ❤️

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Layla in slime form doing fun things to Aria~~ 👀

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This last days I've been drawing a very very lot... it's good to see my improvement day after day, but I also see how maaany things I need to improve.
It's like feeling happines and desperation, I'm glad this 2 babies are always in my heart calming me and giving me motivation⚡️❤️

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Today I celebrate 5 years since I decided that I wanted to become a pro artist!
And also I celebrate 3 years since I started to draw in digital, 1 pic per year, and the start of the 4th one 😁

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The helpful fox senko!

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Tera - 16 years old
Power: Earth/Nature
- Relaxed. She doesn't care about anything in general.
- Can talk with animals.
- The size of her wings change depending on her mood.
Smaller if she feels uncomfortable/scared.
Bigger if she is angry/excited/super happy...

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Aria - 20 years old
Power: Air
- Tries to be serious but always fail.
- Hard-worker, she has big respect for responsabilites.
- She doesn't accept weakness, that's for losers.
- Cries very easily, sometimes even when she is too happy.

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Maily - 14 years old
Power: Fire 🔥
- She always smile, she can't change her expression. That doesn't mean she is always happy, but she is always positive!
- Loves hugs! More than a Koala!
- She doesn't talk much because she is afraid of saying something bad.

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