

I survived Cancer, and my Grandparents survived Corona ❤️
Set your heart ablaze 🔥

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Layla in adult form! 😃

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Hinata - Ball boy! This is my favourite scene from Haikyuu, it's the chapter 209.

It's okay to be an idiot as long as you are good at something, so I go to keep drawing X')

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"We are the protagonists of the world!" Bokuto is so cool! And since he is the Senpai of Hinata this drawing is also dedicated to my super senpai X)

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Is it even worth to be good?

Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul! :)

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The best character in KH 😍 (Together with Aqua and Mickey 👀)

He is one of the most sad characters, being born without memories, with a life that doesn't belong to him, and also having to kill his best friend, everytime I see his 2 Keyblades it's so cool... but super sad. 😭

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A drawing for my little loli! 😍

I will work hard until I can draw her as cute as she is in real life! 💪

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2 years of digital art, and with the same smile, the 3rd year starts! :)

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"Las circunstancias en que uno nace son irrelevantes, es lo que haces con el don de la vida lo que determina quien eres." ;v;

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Strawberry Girl! :)

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