

🇩🇪 artist | multifandom | art repost with CREDIT ok

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:15368

i've been feeling nostalgic lately, so here's a wowaka themed Miku.

47 126

this was good taste galore, my dudes.

87 248

i'm so excited about replicant in english it's ridiculous

139 278

i put my dk in edgy clothes inspired by specs

20 98

my WoW oc's meet for the first time but it's just awkward because they're both socially inept

13 61

yeah they wouldn't get along
(i love drawing dumb oc things i'm sorry)

8 52

this is such a whiplash in mood compared to the other KT's i drew back in the day lmao

11 45

con-crunching for LBM right now, i’ve been spending the past few days fixing art from last year.

17 66