Official X of mobile game DRAGON BALL LEGENDS!
Be sure to check here for updates on the newest info and campaigns!

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["Celebrating 1 Million Followers On Social Media! USER CHOICE ULTIMATE PICKUP" Is On!]
The top four LL characters chosen by you are back for a special Pick-Up Summon! 1 LL is guaranteed on certain Steps! Don't miss your chance to play this amazing Summon!

172 2677

[Zenkai Awaken "Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk) (DBL09-04S)"!]
Awaken to the highest rank for free by getting Awakening Z Power from the Battle Gauntlet & Missions! Or use the ZENKAI AWAKENING Summon and ZENKAI Awakening Booster to accelerate your awakening!

48 841

[Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)'s Zenkai Awakening Is Coming!!]
Her attacks & counters are stronger! Unlock all her Uniques to get Card Draw Speed UP & +30% to next Arts DMG inflicted after an enemy attack! Unleash a powerful counter after a cover change!

295 3084

[Android 17's Zenkai Awakening Is Coming!!]
Now his Special recovers Ki and his Main recovers health! He'll reduce enemy Ki and destroy one card when evaded! Unlock all Uniques to get DMG inflicted and Card Draw Speed UP as well as DMG received DOWN!

212 2233

There will be a special login bonus to celebrate the opening of the worldwide livestream event, DRAGON BALL Games Battle Hour! Be sure to log in to get Arts Card Sleeves, a special Title, and more!

134 1954

[Event-Exclusive "Android 18" Is Coming!!]
Her Main nullifies unfavorable Element factors! Get inflicted damage and Arts Card Draw Speed UP after evading with a Vanishing Step! Plus, her Special Arts recovers her Vanishing Gauge by 70% (activates 3 times).

508 5254

["World Challenge Raid VS Super Saiyan Goku" Is On!]
Challenge the Raid Boss with allies from around the world! Seize this chance to get up to 1,300 Chrono Crystals from Combat Rewards and Mission Rewards! Join the fight each day for awesome rewards!

82 1511

[Final Form Frieza: Full Power's Zenkai Awakening Is Coming!!]
Unlock all Uniques to get a bonus against "Tag: Saiyan"! Plus, when faced with an enemy, inflict "-20% to Health Restoration" and "+5 to Special Move Arts Cost" to seize the initiative!

368 3676

[Event Exclusive! "Android 21" Is Coming!!]
While on the field, get +30% DMG from her Unique Ability when an enemy with "Revives when health reaches 0" revives! Plus, she seals enemy Strike Arts when changing cover! She's an easy-to-use ranged attacker!

659 5477

["LEGENDS ALL STAR Vol.12" Is Live!]
"Kaioken Goku" and "Final Form Frieza" are here in SP Rarity! Consecutive Summons guarantee one SP drop! Unlock limited-time Missions to get Z Power and Multi-Z Power for these new units along with other great rewards!

156 2463