Official X of mobile game DRAGON BALL LEGENDS!
Be sure to check here for updates on the newest info and campaigns!

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:984400

1 Million Followers on Social Media Worldwide Campaign!
In celebration of 1 million followers, we're giving out special smartphone wallpapers as a gift!
There are two sizes, so make sure to pick the one that fits your phone!

360 3790

[Chilled's Zenkai Awakening Is Coming!]
Unlock all his Uniques to give all allies +70% to DMG dealt when battle starts if Bardock (DBL07-04S) is an enemy battle member! Plus, his Zenkai Ability will buff characters that are both "PUR" & "Lineage of Evil"!

194 2350

[Android 21: Evil's Zenkai Awakening Is Coming!!]
Unlock all Uniques to get Health Restoration UP when landing a Strike Arts and get a reduction to sustained damage when your own attacks are dodged or when entering battle! 21 is more tenacious than ever!

313 2643

["World Challenge Raid VS Chilled" Is On!]
Challenge the Raid Boss with allies worldwide! Seize this chance to get up to 1,300 Chrono Crystals from Combat Rewards and Mission Rewards! Join the fight each day for awesome rewards!

94 1601

["Legends Road - Super Saiyan Goku -" Is Back!]
Clear stages to get Super Saiyan Goku (DBL-EVT-08S)'s Z Power and Souls! Get tons of Event items from the once-daily stage! Play every day and aim to Limit Break Goku to ★7+!

72 1297

["Chrono Crystal Capture!!" Is On!]
Only once daily! Fight in the Event and get Chrono Crystals! The more you progress, the better the rewards! If you clear every battle during the Event period, you can get up to 500 Chrono Crystals, so don't miss a day!

87 1334

[Event-Exclusive "1st Form Frieza" Is Coming!!]
Use his Main Ability after just 5 counts to restore 50 Ki and draw a Special Move Arts Card! When he's defeated, he restores ally health and reduces the enemy's Dragon Balls by 2! He's simple but strong!

208 2333

["New Year's Super Space-Time Duel 2021-2022" On Now!]
The number of Rating Points gained from the 1st Win RP bonus has increased! CCs from Ranking Rewards have been doubled! Claim your victories and aim to be the first champion of the New Year!

108 1326

Collect Roast Chicken Legs in Adventures to clear Missions and get awesome rewards like Chrono Crystals, Festival Plates (Silver), and Summon Tickets! Plus, you can even score a special Title from the Login Bonus!

71 776

