

director | writer | comic book enjoyer

フォロー数:414 フォロワー数:486

another month, another absolutely fantastic issue of sword of azrael by & . if you haven't started the series, please take this as your sign!

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Eve Eden/Nightshade is SO cool.

She’s got a painfully tragic backstory, compelling work/life balance that involves an interesting secret identity because she has to be the exact opposite of who she really is. She works across multiple teams, and has very stacked powers.

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bring back captain atom's long kurt russell hair again 2k22

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star trek jokes (affectionate)

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really enjoying & 's poison ivy! she's a nuanced character and they treat her so well.

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suicide squad was wild bc batman and rick flag were trying to kill each other meanwhile nightshade and captain atom had to hide their relationship via the worst fake tickle fight i have ever seen in my life

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i think we should bring back eve eden/nightshade. if we’re making charlton characters cool again (spoiler: they always were cool)

shadow princess from another dimension? incredibly over-powered? a woman after my own heart.

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now that's some good spider-man right there. and knocking it out of the park!

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martian manhunter and his cat, oreo addiction & recluse-ness is something that can be so personal. all i am missing is a cat.

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the many deaths of laila starr (2021) was one of the best comics of 2021.

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