Delaney Kingさんのプロフィール画像

Delaney Kingさんのイラストまとめ

Character/tech artist (Dragonage, Where The Wild Things Are, Unreal 04, Civ IV, D&D Online, God of War:CoO, Stellaris ++) Writer. Minis. Intersex. (SHE/HER)

フォロー数:2558 フォロワー数:46064

The real monsters are the people who hate those different to themselves.

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I like monsters. Monsters don't judge.

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I don't always lose SAN, but when I do Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Violent Triangles is all about having a rock solid foundation on how the technology works. So I start right down at vertex level, and build up from there up to creating complex modern assets.

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The Australian visual masterpiece is a hand painted game, but its is water colour painted onto paper- completely different to hand painted miniatures. Amazing work

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Here is an example of a hand painted model I made for a rapid game prototyping in 3DSMax demo at GDC. She is olds school as heck, but her shading was done entirely in greyscale, then parts where coloured using gradient maps and overlays.

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You can see the original proportions in the concept art. Personally I feel the shipped model loses what made the concept cool... but it is my fault, because I didn't think through holding rifles and sitting in vehicles. I should have sketched some in those positions.

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The designs had to change from the concept because, for the first time, the Skaarj held rifles and had to sit in vehicles. The straight mandible horns became curved tusks.

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Here are my concept paintings for Unreal Tournament 2004, and the finished assets.

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