

Danish mixed media artist with a passion for designing and making ornamental plushies.

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They are based on characters from my Siesta art. :3 Cornelius ghd elrphang ended up a little skinnier than intended.

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Almost done with this beautiful red tabby! All in all the creation of this kitten took me 7 1/2 hours. For the longest time I was uncertain about the fabrics I had picked to form the base, but the stripes really let the colors blend together and I love how this kitty turned out.

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I've been working on this striped kitty design for the past ten days. I'm thrilled to see the result of all the hard work. Still got some tweaking to do in the digital file but then this kitty will be available for commissioning.

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I've been working on this striped kitty design for the past ten days. I'm frilled to see the result of all the hard work. Still got some tweaking to do in the digital file but then this kitty will be available for commissioning.

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