

JPN/ENG ☆ Love Little Nightmares, making animations ☆ I post mostly LN but I follow 'n like randomly ☆リトルナイトメアや手書きアニメの呟き多め。フォローやイイネは雑多です。

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:896

I'm gonna make animation from a doodle i draw before.

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I might be late, but don't care. Happy birthday of your lives in Pale City!

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Why you look a little bit scared?
And why your wrist is dangling handcuffs?
Maybe it's merely a new wedding fashion...?

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I'll animate this later! 今度はこういう感じの絵で動かす予定です。結局お下げは封印…

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I used to draw Cyndaquils when I was a student.

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While drawing Six & a cat, I felt as if I saw this scene. I knew there was no cat in this game, so I felt odd.
Now thanks to a comment, I found out the cat tail looks like a leech!
シックスと猫尻尾になぜか既視感を感じてたけど「一瞬ヒルかと思った」ってコメントで納得した。 https://t.co/JOmTL4dQg8

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I have lots of animal shaped OCs... but I wanna see again the human version snail you draw before. it's okay? I like your design!!🥰

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High five! ハイタッチ!


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