

JPN/ENG ☆ Love Little Nightmares, making animations ☆ I post mostly LN but I follow 'n like randomly ☆リトルナイトメアや手書きアニメの呟き多め。フォローやイイネは雑多です。電蝸。

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:918

In JPN version they named "phantom," not "glitch."

why? The other names are almost same meaning, but glitch and phantom are different.

Things like this often happens in other games, but i feel it curious.

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thanks a lot😊 I'm already work as a system engineer, but i eager be a part of LittleNightmares.
They said "We are inumerable." so that's not impossible i hope!

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I finished the background! the Hunter's house looks cute anyway. a love heart in toilet door, flower printed room wallpapers, and so on.

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how to make it creepy...
(1)just a messy school
(2)add a dark yellow layer on it
(3)change this layer's mode to "shade" then...👻
*my paint tool is SAI. usually other paint tools have similar function*

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動画に使ってた背景です。あえて相合傘のラクガキ入れた☂️。backgrounds in my anime.

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Mono & Six 平和∞ループ差分。初めの構想はこんな感じにする予定でした。リトルナイトメアさを出すには……と考えて前後すこし追加しました。First concept was like below, and I put the music box to add more littlenightmarish.

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Koyadofu is frozen tofu, which shape is distorted cube and resemble to Mono.

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One day my best friend forsook me.
At the same time I came upon LittleNightmares.
So I became like this. Thank her.
her img⬇️

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猫化注意!ねこシックス。If Six was a CAT...

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