

listlessly persisting in drawing

FUB free

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:4742

i think and his doppio would've looked very cute in these outfits ^_^

5 29

assassins wish u a spoopy halloween

5 25

drew up a very spooky image 4 this all hallow's eve

57 213

only thing i can muster 2day. of course, it is aniki... in suspenders flavor ^_^

15 56

every other day aniki

25 93

sketch sketch fufufufufu... now 2 walk dog

61 189

literally the only proper thing i've drawn all week. i wonder if i should start doing a "daily aniki" or smth

19 79

carnivore woman

15 78

formaggio lounging in prosciutto's cleavage. i tried my best 2 salvage the colors... (no i didn't)

50 122