

listlessly persisting in drawing

FUB free

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:4742

the part 2 OTP (i'm sorry cars' hair looks like the stuff u pick out of shower drains)

172 445

yet another not assassins... rest assured i am not w/ fever or smth

38 103

see ya i need my one hour of sleep

50 146

not shown: risotto being dropped 2 seconds later cuz aniki doesn't lift

209 461

lied abt going 2 sleep last time but not this time. rotten melon

40 123

fanciful imagining of edgy teenagers ham and rice

57 161

ok let's use today 2 finish all the overdue ass things i have such as the secret valentine *sweat*

50 133

srry for only doing the assassins ikemen trio i hope 2 do pesci and others soon

17 62

daily aniki, the shoes r nicholas kirkwood inspired. good night

20 70