

listlessly persisting in drawing

FUB free

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:4742

hashtag old man problems

522 1334

thank you so much for being so kind at comiket ;o; paper drawing was poor, i thank you with better one

9 49

ham day is already over here but it's 38 minutes b4 it's over on the west coast so i'm still in time /wipes sweat

175 547

the last spam 4 today... good night

71 142

i hate everything about coloring HA anyway.... personality switch

73 226

post train ham ⊙◡⊙

55 135

illuso in palette no. 5 for

14 71



pinch (idk if faces

34 131

i feel like lately my twit gallery has been overflowing w/ lewdness. well not gonna change

76 230