

28 | One of the biggest Disney Dorks on the Planet, Artist, Music Producer, Aspiring Animator, ‘Tistic 🧜‍♀️✨ Banner & PFP by @ArtofRhues


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A lil birthday gift for !

Figured I'd try my first attempt at Rocky! Love this chaotic kitty!

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👗~"Blooming From Within"~🌹

Based on the AU by

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I absolutely cannot wait for you guys to see this! I'm so proud of everyone!

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TBF, Husk has Grumpy vibes, haha!

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We're doing this again!


My name is Hailey, and I have ASD.

Ask me anything!

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🍎Their Royal (and fishy) Majesties! 🔱

Had a LOT of fun designing these two!

Was especially inspired by @/cupnstraws and with their designs of Lucifer and Octo Lilith.

Stay tuned for more! 🦌

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🧜‍♂️~Flippin' Your Fins~🫧

Happy Birthday to the best spider boi!!

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Here he is! The man of the hour! Pops Henroin! 🦈

Had a lot of fun designing him!

Plenty more characters coming soon! 🍎😉

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🦈~Chaz Attack~🪩

Listen, I feel like even Angel has his limits, lol

Also, cue "Careless Whisper" 🎷

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