

28 | One of the biggest Disney Dorks on the Planet, Artist, Music Producer, Aspiring Animator, ‘Tistic 🧜‍♀️✨ Banner & PFP by @ArtofRhues


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Just cuz I can, have Fishy Husk! lol

45 362

Figured I'd throw my hat in the ring, lol

Hate this lil bastard, haha 🦈🍆💦

15 63

💕~Go Ahead and Use Me Up~💖

Just a lil something for a wonderful friend!

Hope you have a great day

128 753

I know I already posted these, but it still applies, haha!

Timeline: Two years https://t.co/V0AuVaAXb3

8 139

💗~It's Angel, Bitch | ADDICT edition~🕸️

Cuz I can't help myself, haha!

190 1369

😈~It's Angel, Bitch~🌃

Listen, had to throw my hat in the ring, haha!

145 1017