

ceo of canon zutara and yoohankim . cyno & lyney defense squad MIGUEL O HARA FANS DNI!!!

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:12331



I remember the brief time in 2020-2021 when fairstairs was gaining popularity before Judith ruined everything and made us into social pariahs but im still on their side bc I bet on Iosing dogs </3

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come home the kids miss u

53 614

i forgot about this mikey art but it still eats

37 497

Here’s my favorite ships in the world. It really hurts my feelings whenever someone drags these ships. If I make you mad, getting back at me by roasting these ships would make me literally cri everytiem

4 131

never forget what was taken 🥲

1 23

i miss fang runin so much

1 16