

Fandom Account, I talk about Stephanie Brown a lot

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# dclove

He's calling himself Drake but he's wearing a Robin outfit... DC please make up your mind

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Stop leaving out Cass, Steph & Duke DC! Heck even Kate & Luke & JPV & Helena! The Batfam is not just Babs & 4/6 Robins!

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Don't forget all the timelines she was Nightwing

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There is no reason these characters should've been reverted back to their old identities. https://t.co/dtCemDz4XY

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Why isn't Stephanie Brown on any of the covers?

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So this is what Supergirl looks like in this style, I kind of associate this style with Young Justice right now so all I was thinking looking at this was how cool a Steph & Kara reunion/ team up would be

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Blackfire you've already killed Kory and Jean Paul maybe calm down?

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