

Fandom Account, I talk about Stephanie Brown a lot

フォロー数:74 フォロワー数:657

Since when? You've been pretty obsessed with immortality in the past

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Dude the Super Hero Families are the best part about super heroes without their families the heroes kind of suck look at the absolute mess Batman has become without his family, the fact that the Flash Family was more Wally's thing is just further evidence he was the best Flash

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Wallace & Avery are so confused by Bart also YES thank you Avery don't time travel nice to see there's at least one Flash with common sense

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First of all Bart's future swear second of all Oh no Bart's from the Preboot universe he doesn't know who Wallace is he's going to be so confused about all the N52 additions not just for his own family but everyone else too probably

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ReverseFlash throwing a bomb at Trickster is portrayed as Barts first clue that hes not Barry but all I can think about is how that would never be a clue with the Bats like Ric/Dick was slashing out eyes& Bruce mutilated Karma the bats would just see this & be like 'seems legit'

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Max pretty much raised Bart, makes sense he's the most worried

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Wait this takes place AFTER YJ 17 then why the heck did Young Justice go back to New Mexico?

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No I do not think he's paid enough for Flash Point & it's super weird that Max and Jesse say this to him when they're shown to be trapped in the speed force for years with everyone they love either not remembering them or not existing

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