☥ ennis jackson // coffeeさんのプロフィール画像

☥ ennis jackson // coffeeさんのイラストまとめ

"just a little grayishness, please, instead of the solid black" { ve/ver/verself }

フォロー数:237 フォロワー数:543

tfw a childhood book series you remembered as pretty average fantasy fare turns out to be, upon rereading, a suuuuper pronounced religious allegory, AHA.
still an extremely charming read + delightful trip down memory lane! I always wanted a minor dragon ;o;

1 5

just wanted to redo that percy + keyleth piece :>

yellow roses for friendship
blackthorn flowers for difficulty

23 99

aaaand some concept art for Brier's background <3

1 10

a design for the character I'd most like to play should I ever get the chance to play dnd as a party member.
she’s a paladin to the Changebringer named Brier and definitely a super normal human. I love her very much. :’>

0 18

I know you’re still carrying a flame for that boy you liked when you were ten and all but. celica... darling... babe............. that is a whole lotta man you’re passing up rn...

1 7

"Ah, Astrid. You always were the better dancer.”

8 52

hey matt please introduce astrid and eodwulf before I get attached to completely baseless headcanons. please.

1 17