

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Yeah… it's obvious that she wants Laila to kill her

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Oh shit, those shadows on her eyes… I both can't wait to and am terrified of learning about the implications of that

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No no no, I don't think she would leave her alone there if she had any other choice. I hope I'm not wrong, I truly do…

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It's so freaking crazy that Brilith was at Leez's village at some point in time

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Lmao, it's so cool that they translated the april fools Q&A

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Omfg, so Jibril was a Kubera as well‼ And she seems to be trying to protect Laila, too. Also, I really like that no matter what happens here, Laila still prefers more than one Kubera to survive in the future based on her convo with Leez

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Holy shit, Ran might be right that even though she's acting off, this might actually be Laila because this is exactly how she would talk

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I wonder why she's saying sorry? Does she think it's her fault that they're here? What kinda relationship there can be between Brilith and those things🤔 These are all rhetoric questions ofc but I do hope I can get some answers soon

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She can't go because of her dad?? Or did something happen to her dad there? Now that I think about it, I barely know anything about her father🤔 I hope I get to learn more about her father here as well

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Omg, this was such a cute interaction😭😭

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