

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Yeeeaaah, Ran's situation must be super rare so one would be more likely to assume he's a Nastuka

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I mean it would be hard to convince her in these circumstances😅😅

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Oh shit, isn't that the book she used to summon Kubera

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I really like how Haas was basically all of their big brother ^^

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Omg, look at how adorable they are🥰🥰🥰 I never would've imagined seeing these four in the same room as babies

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She probably knows what someone named "Raltara" will cause… Also, it looks like she's not fifth stage

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Yeah now you're in his domain, Kalavinka

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Omg Ran👀 How does he manage to be so gorgeous and cool looking while being intimidating af

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