

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Oh those were Parr and Kroha

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Yess, this time it's different. I hope the knowledge he will gain here will aid him in the future

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Well, he can never expect Leez to truly be his ally but considering the Time Leez that smiled at him before I think the answer to his question would be a strong "highly likely"

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Yeah, I don't think the future is predetermined and many characters' both individual and collective decisions will shape the future

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Currygom, why do you always do this to my favourite characters, aaa! Makes me so freaking frustrated

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Wow… I knew he was gonna be a critical character for the universe but now it's been clearly established as well

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He didn't realize he developed, did he🤣🤣

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Are you kidding me, is this how my boy develops⁉️ You know what, this is such a Maruna thing to do😁😁 Look at my stubborn king, I'm so proud of him❤❤

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He's not letting Leez have the sins, I fucking can't with this boy😭😭 Who gave him the right to be such a wonderful character

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Wait, is it Garuda⁉️ Did Garuda mean his son "Garuda" there instead of the "Garuda" clan

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