

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Yeah, she's still Leez but a Leez that's been traveling through time, at least imo. So, her experiences must be quite different than our Leez, maybe she's not even the Leez that smiled at Maruna back then

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Okay, ofc it's very important to respect others' wishes but I'd honestly prefer Maruna grabbing him and getting his ass outta there bc sometimes that's the only way to help kindhearted people like him

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Yess, that might be it!! Grab Rao and go through the passage

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Omg he saw Maruna's future self😭😭 I was so close to freaking out bc I thought he was about to develop right there. Also, all this time I thought those wiggly things were related to sins so I did not expect that. It's time for time shenanigans ig

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The way I jumped out of my seat tho kdjdnfy Okay, this is absolutely one of my favorite scenes ever. Kubera's whole "calculation" talk flashed in my mind like a goddamn lightning😆😆 This season Maruna didn't jump, he just flew towards one of the top spots in my fav list

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Ofc everyone thinks Ananta is the real villain😒😒 but daamn, I can't imagine what it must've been like to be an Ananta Half during these times

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Maruna: "Hmph, I see your game Rao Leez. Does he think I'll just go and get whatever he wants?!"

*Maruna went and got whatever Rao wanted*😂😂 

Jokes aside, I'm pretty sure Rao sent him away so he wouldn't see him writhing in pain so😣😣

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Oh so his journey started by jumping into a portal during a life threatening situation, huh? I have a sneaky suspicion that either Time Leez or Kubera might have something to do with that, in any case we might actually go back to that moment in a later part of the series

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There's nothing wrong with having no romantic experiences my boy, don't you worry😁😁 His reaction is priceless tho🤣🤣

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