

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Welp, this didn't go as planned

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Oh yes "Kinnara", you pursue such high and noble values that peasants like them could never understand🙄🙄

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I wonder what does she exactly mean by that but my mind instantly flashed back to Maruna mentioning Garuda and Yaksha clans blocking every path in order to not let the Asura clan help the Ananta clan the day Ananta died

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Damn, it's super freaking disappointing to see Garuda talk to "Kinnara" like that

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Yesss, Garuda is here for his partner❤ and he'll save Akasha as well, it's unfortunate but might as well ig🤷‍♀️

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I wish they could stop her before

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I don't like seeing Kubera and Vinata like that

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Ofc, you slimy piece of… ughhh!! That's the perfect opportunity for him, that was literally what Indra wanted, I hate this with my whole being!

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Well, they're saying don't worry too much but I have a baad feeling about this

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Oh shit, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen, ughhhhh

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