

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Come on Ran, don't do this to Maruna

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The absurd amount of time they spent has changed them in very different ways

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Ngl, I really enjoy seeing their roles being reversed though

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Look at Ran's eyes… It was inevitable that after everything he's been through, he would feel like this but also I really don't think murdering gods would solve anything rn

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Naturally, Ran wants to do what many fantastic characters wanna do throughout fiction: kill gods😁😁 but seriously tho, I'm actually really worried about Ran's mental state

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Okay, I completely understand why Ran is thinking like this and while I'm usually very on board with the idea of teaching these gods a lesson, I don't think now is a good time for that

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The only reason I'm not freaking out rn is that this whole universe is a possibility

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Well actually Gandharva is one of the few people in who deals with more misfortune than Raltara soo😅😅

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Yes, they're besties😁😁

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Look at his ears😭😭 Raltara, I'd really appreciate it if you can refrain from upsetting Maruna

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