

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Damn, after seeing how Claude was saved and what happened to Teo and Siera, seeing a possibility like this is quite interesting. Also, even though I know that they're okay in the universe Leez went to, it still lowkey bothers me to read this

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This is truly the worst possibility, we need to go back immediately

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Oh, I can't wait for Indra to see Maruna in his developed state, it's gonna be so fun

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I didn't expect to see Vayu here

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Hell yeah‼ This immediately took me back to his encounter with Brilith where I thought this cool new Sura must've been disguising himself as Ran, I can't believe that cool "Sura" was actually Ran himself all along. Genuinely one of my favorite twists in

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I'm not sure if Ran will actually be okay with that

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Ohh, that's a good question. Ran would be bothered by that. But ofc it's not like Maruna asked this bc he cares about Ran's wellbeing or anything😁😁

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Okay, I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to be funny but those lil notes about their whereabouts lowkey cracked me up bc they reminded me of those old sitcom style shows where they'd explain what happened to each character🤭🤭

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Rereading this part is blowing my mind rn. Also, that last line of Yuta's is really making me feel uneasy

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What a perfectly placed flashback, Yuta's words hit so much harder now

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