

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:132
# kubera

Fuck… even though I don't care about this guy at all, this still sucks… wish they didn't have an end like that

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Shit… so there was at least still a father in there somewhere, huh…

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Currygom you can't do this to me😭😭 What a punch in the gut

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See I might be reading too much into it but these don't look like the expressions of a smol boy afraid bc his friend was taken by a god, they seem like "I failed to stop her" faces to me

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How can you say no to her, Kubera

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Omg, I've been blessed with amazing Kubera expressions🙏🙏 He looks shocked to be summoned which is surprising. Also, I love how he looks at Leez in the last panel. What is he thinking? Thinking about Ananta? Realizing who summoned him and what kinda fate awaits her?

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Oh wow, I'm pretty sure Smol Leez is summoning him rn but I absolutely love that it looks like Ananta is the one who is summoning Kubera!!

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Who does he mean by that woman, I wonder? Jibril or… 🤨🤔

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Ofc she wanted to protect Brilith from that filth bc she's fucking wonderful

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I wonder what would've happened if Haas never found that page? Also, is it just me or are Smol Kaz's actions a lil sus🤔🤔

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