

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:132
# kubera

Ofc her first instinct was to protect Brilith because she's Leez

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Woah woah woah, hold up, we need to unpack that, wth!

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Nightmare fuel to witness as a child

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Omg, the adults need to buy a gift or give money to Haas for babysitting when he's a lil kid himself. Also, I'm pretty sure that's not a bear outside

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I'm glad that she's more inclined to believe him now

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It must be so weird for Kalavinka to hear that her brother is travelling with the supposed cause of the Cataclysm and a suspicious looking person claiming to be human against common sense

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Lol, Ran realizing she's Maruna's younger sister is way funnier than I imagined

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Holy shit, what⁉️ I knew it had to be more than the kings going wild but wdym Raltara caused it

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Well, she must've been raised by Visnu which is something I'm super excited to hear more about

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