

Obscure cartoonist who lives far, far away. Author: Nuking Alaska, Notes of an Atomic Fugitive, coming in June & My Degeneration, a Journey Through Parkinsons.

フォロー数:448 フォロワー数:759

"My Degeneration" my graphic-novel style memoir of coping with coming Fall 2015 from Penn State Press

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Some days (1 in 3,000) the lines just fall right where they're supposed to.

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There is a special place in Hell for murderers of cartoonists

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My cheeriest drawing ever

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Alaska, The morning after the night before (Cartoon)

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Cartoon: Don Young doubles down

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"Going with the Floe" Cartoon for New blog post on "Off&On" http://t.co/Fiw7gpM1Kl

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Alaska Governor appealing legalization of same sex marriage. (cartoon)

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The Cow jumped over... never mind

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Today on "Eavesdroppings"... Cartoon

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